On Wednesday, the state BJP asserted that 363 of its party workers and leaders suffered injuries during the police action on Tuesday’s ‘Nabanna Abhiyan,’ with 30 individuals admitted to various city hospitals, five of whom are reportedly in critical condition. The party is compiling a comprehensive report, utilizing photographs, videos of police actions, and medical records, to underscore what they describe as “police brutality” before the Calcutta High Court.
Meena Devi Purohit, an injured BJP leader and former deputy mayor currently hospitalized, recounted the incident, stating, “I have never seen such a desperate police force.” She described a sudden police charge at the state office, resulting in injuries to her head, causing unconsciousness. The BJP is preparing to submit this account, along with others, as evidence.
Urban Development and Municipal Affairs minister Firhad Hakim, along with BJP leaders including state president Sukanta Majumdar, visited Purohit at the hospital. Hakim, acknowledging political differences, expressed concern for Purohit’s health, adding that Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee had inquired about her well-being.
TMC MP Abhishek Banerjee visited SSKM Hospital to inquire about the health of Kolkata Police’s Assistant Commissioner (Central Division) Debjit Chatterjee, who reportedly suffered a fracture in his right hand during the violence. Abhishek commended the police’s conduct, expressing gratitude for their patience and adherence to constitutional norms. This drew criticism from Majumdar, who denounced Abhishek’s remarks about shooting people in the head.
Amidst accusations exchanged between TMC and BJP, with Mamata Banerjee claiming that former CPI(M) members had joined the BJP, Majumdar countered, alleging that former CPI(M) members were now in the TMC. He emphasized the BJP’s determination, hinting at a “Jail Bharo” movement post-Durga Puja.
CPI(M) leader Sujan Chakraborty characterized the BJP’s ‘Nabanna Abhiyan’ as a program orchestrated by the state government. He urged Abhishek Banerjee to reflect on the allegiances of individuals now in the TMC, emphasizing the fluidity between the two parties in terms of members.
At a press conference, Majumdar and state general secretary Jagannath Chatterjee utilized a slideshow to showcase what they labeled as instances of “police brutality.”