On Monday, the Enforcement Directorate announced the attachment of assets valued at Rs 46.22 crore, which were allegedly “beneficially owned” by former minister Partha Chatterjee and his purported associate Arpita Mukherjee. This action is part of an ongoing money laundering investigation related to the ‘scam’ in the recruitment of teachers in West Bengal.
The attached properties consist of 40 immovable assets, including a farmhouse, flats, and “prime land” situated in Kolkata, with a cumulative value of Rs 40.33 crore. Additionally, deposits amounting to Rs 7.89 crore in 35 bank accounts were also included in the attachment, as stated by the federal agency.
The Enforcement Directorate asserted, “The attached properties are found to be beneficially owned by Partha Chatterjee and Arpita Mukherjee.” According to the agency, several of these properties were registered in the names of shell companies and individuals acting as proxies for Chatterjee.
In July, the ED had arrested the former minister, who served in the Trinamool Congress (TMC)-led government in West Bengal, along with his “close associate.” The agency’s raids in Kolkata and other parts of West Bengal had previously led to the seizure of Rs 49.80 crore in cash, as well as gold and other jewelry valued at over Rs 55 crore in connection with this case.